Fingerprinting Training
Are your notaries down? Do you need extra income?
Become a certified fingerprinter and significantly grow your business now!
Fingerprinting is the fastest growing part of our business. We usually place more fingerprintings a day than notaries, and they are often more profitable jobs. We need more partners who are able to take fingerprinting referrals.
Why let others earn this money when it could be going to you?
- Private fingerprint training classes .... $250 and up (Includes Materials)
Please call us at 1-800-536-7233 now to learn more.
Course Instruction
- Techniques of Fingerprinting
- Fingerprinting Regulations, State and Federal
- California Certified Fingerprinter
- Student Lab
Course Outline
- Course Introduction (1 hour)
- Student and Instructor Introductions
- Course Objectives
- Government fingerprint regulations
- California Certification Program
- Correct rolling of fingerprint impressions
- Depth perception test
- History of fingerprinting
- Film: Techniques of Fingerprinting
- Fingerprint Cards (1 hour)
- Types of cards
- Proper usage
- Filling out the card
- Pattern types & distribution
- Proper identification of fingerprint patterns
- Loops ...............65%
- Whorles ...........25%
- Arches ...............5%
- Tented Arches ...5%
- Procedure to become a California Certified Fingerprinter (15 minutes)
- Application
- Live Scan Fingerprints submission
- Techniques of Rolling Fingerprints (45 minutes)
- Basic fingerprinting rules
- Sequence of print taking
- Tips for success
- Demonstration
- Student Lab (1 hour)
- Practice rolling ink prints
- Take two (2) full sets of inked prints to be critiqued by the instructor
If you have any questions about what we can do for you, please call (530) 786-3947 or 1-800-536-7233 now to talk to a live person.