Wedding Ceremonies
Locations for Wedding Ceremony Service
Wedding Ceremony Serivce
A-24 Hour Mobile Notary & Fingerprinting can have a mobile notary signing agent travel to any location in the State of Florida, usually within one hour to an hour and a half of your call, to perform a wedding ceremony.
Late night and early morning appointments must be arranged in advance.
Why waste time trying to find individual notary signing agents to perform your Florida wedding ceremony from a directory and calling multiple phone numbers just to end up talking to answering machines? You can make just one call to our mobile notary public wedding service at 1-800-536-7233 and talk to a live person to set the appointment for your wedding ceremony now. You don't pay any more for the convenience.
Wedding Ceremony Fees
Between 8:30a.m. and 8:30p.m., 7 days a week, one of our mobile notary signing agents will travel to the location of your choice in Florida to perform a wedding ceremony for $100. There are additional fees for after hours wedding ceremonies , holidays, and locations such as air ports, jails, and prisons. Please call us at 1-800-536-7233 for a quote.
All fees listed above are paid at the time of service unless a billed account is established. All mobile notary signing services, weddings, and contracts will be through our main office and not with the individual notary signing agent. If you have any questions regarding the above information, please call us at 1-800-536-7233.
If you have any questions about what we can do for you, please call (530) 786-3947 or 1-800-536-7233 now to talk to a live person.